Global warming seems to have stopped! And not only that, the whole man made climate panic turns out to be the biggest hoax in scientific history!

19 11 2009

In Der Spiegel: Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years. Some attribute the trend to a lack of sunspots, while others explain it through ocean currents.

I already posted on this phenomenon on October 14th.

This website ( Climate Depot ) has all about the hoax. Here WattsUpWithThat.

Update Nov 22: Read about it here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. ( Thanks to Melanie Phillips )

Update Nov. 25: Have a look again at “The Great Climate Swindle“. ( Dutch subtitles )



One response

27 11 2009

The Question about Climate Change: where is the due diligence ? mainly written prior to 19/11/09

Climate Change and “Global Warming“ have been on the world’s agenda for the last twenty years. Before that in the 1970’s there was genuine concern that we were moving into a new ice age.

There is now an established and very forceful view that the science of “Man-made Global Warming” is entirely “settled” and that the cause is solely to do with man-made Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. Any contra opinion is considered by the Believers to be heretical or even traitorous. The firm view is established that the world as a whole has to do something to stop causing the damage very urgently to save itself. This view is promoted worldwide by the most powerful forces of national and international politics, including the United Nations, as well as many highly respected scientific institutions and their governments. It is now taught as gospel truth in schools worldwide.

There is a large and growing number of voices that refute these assertions. When one considers the far reaching, anti-democratic, costly and destructive consequences of the international plans being promulgated by the Global Warming establishment, to be confirmed in Copenhagen in December 2009, it should not be unreasonable to ask some questions and to query the assumptions. In other words, real due diligence is essential.

Much of the scientific and political establishment is now irrevocably committed to the assertion for their financial and professional existence. So much so that the admission that the Man-made Global Warming hypothesis might be in error or open to question is intolerable. There would just be too much egg on too many faces.

Anyone expressing such views is classed in the minds of the “Global Warming” establishment as traitors and heretics: even as DENIERS, just like HOLOCAUST DENIERS. Many authoritative voices have already met with extreme opprobrium as a result. On a personal note, I recall voicing the opinion in a well researched paper that information about pollution levels in London was being exaggerated by green activists. That opinion elicited threats of personal violence and death.

But the world community should expect that the question of the scientific truth in the assertion of Man-made Global Warming is openly discussed and fully examined before damaging commitments are made to avoid what may be a either a non-problem or at worst / best an unavoidable problem. There are even many good reasons to believe that raised CO2 levels and a warmer environment within natural limits would be of benefit to mankind.

But because of the amazing bandwagon that has been set rolling, the world is still being denied that examination by a dogma that admits no questioning, and which is therefore certainly very bad science.
Worse than that the proposed result from Copenhagen could well result in a huge financial and undemocratic burden on the whole world, (measured in many $ trillions ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo). As far as Bjorn Lomberg is concerned this expenditure and disruption of the world’s economy could have only ever a marginal effect in the much longer-term if at any all and should have been spent on much more worthwhile priorities to the benefit of all mankind.

However since the 19/11/2009 publication on the internet, either by a hacker or a more likely an inside whistleblower, of some 60 Mb of data containing 1000+ emails between members of the Global Warming community and other data from the Climate research Centre at Anglia University hopefully may have changed the scene significantly. There seems little likelihood that they are not genuine communications, there would have been just too much to do to have created the huge mass of interlinked data.

This information shows consistent and coordinated fraud and quasi-criminal misrepresentation by all the key individuals who are driving the Global Warming Agenda. Sceptics have fully suspected this in the past but only now can the evidence of the their activities over many years be clearly seen.
So If any world leader goes to Copenhagen and makes irrevocable and binding commitments of any sort on behalf of his country and its peoples he / she will shown to have been taken for an idiot for having believed the Anthropogenic Global Warming hype and not taken the necessary steps to do the scientific due diligence.

Rather than indulging in the global guilt trip and the endless prediction of impending global catastrophes that are being promoted by the Man-made Global Warming Believers, the likelihood of dangerous global warming now occurring at all and the fact that it is unlikely to be man-made, should be greeted with unmitigated joy.
If this is so:
• it is not necessary to destroy the world’s economy to no purpose
• if warming were happening it would lead to a more benign and healthy climate for mankind
• any extra CO2 is certainly not polluting and would increase the fertility of all plant life on the planet.
• it would provide a future of greater opportunity and prosperity for human development, as has frequently been well proven in the past. This is especially so for the third world.
As global temperatures have remained steady or have even cooled in the last ten years, it would seem that the world should fear the real and detrimental effects global cooling rather than being hysterical about non-existent warming.

The only downside is that for once George Bush, Dick Cheney and Fox News could well be proven right, albeit for all the wrong reasons.

Man-made CO2 is a small part of the overall transport of CO2 that occurs as a natural cycle and has maintained a balance in pre-industrial times at an historically low level of 280 parts / million. Burning fossil fuels is probably adding CO2 to the world’s atmosphere, but that is probably irrelevant or at worst marginal to our changing climate, as CO2 increase is largely resorbed to fertilise plant life in the biosphere. So the obverse is likely to be true that increased CO2 and a rather warmer climate could bring real benefits.

This is not to say that the world should not be seeking more efficient ways of generating its energy, conserve its energy use and stop directly damaging its environment. There is a real need to wean the world off the continued expenditure of fossil fuels on the grounds of security of supply, their increasing scarcity and their rising costs. In addition we should be conserving these resources to be used in future as the feedstock for industry rather than simply burning them.

It is clear that the planet is vastly damaged by many human activities such as environmental pollution, over fishing, forest clearing, industrial farming and other habitat destruction. We should indeed find ways to improve these situations.

As Bjorn Lomberg, (the Sceptical Environmentalist, now much vilified), says, in the light of the vast costs of pursuing the Man-made CO2 reduction agenda and its ineffectiveness in changing climate, there are many more investments that should be prioritised for the benefit of mankind, (especially in the third world), in advance of concern about man-made CO2 emissions and possible climate change. These include malaria, clean water, AIDS prevention etc. etc.

The science of climate is very complex and extremely difficult to predict forward. But there are some facts that are worth airing and questions worth asking.

The veracity of the frightening assertions made in the Al Gore film “An Inconvenient Truth” were indeed tested in the UK High Court and were found incorrect in at least eleven major aspects. Nonetheless this has not stopped the film being shown in schools worldwide, as if the gospel truth, nor has it deterred the UK government from promoting the Global Warming assertion with a Television adverts campaign that is really frightening for children, complete with a black CO2 ogre.

It is just as if that the political and much of the scientific establishment and Greens to a man/woman have collectively forgotten their elementary school biology about photosynthesis and the carbon cycle.
Via plants, Carbon dioxide (CO2) a trace gas in the atmosphere + sunlight + water (H2O) creates and maintains the very Oxygen (O2) we all breath and creates carbohydrates, and thus all other organic compounds. That is the real stuff of life. Forget that and you negate the world’s life and thus mankind’s ability to exist on the planet earth.

Atmospheric CO2 is the stuff of all life an essential plant fertiliser and certainly not a pollutant. That’s why plants are already growing better in this marginally richer CO2 atmospheric environment. The starting point at the pre-industrial level of 280 parts / million was close to being so low that plant life were stressed and at risk.

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